OH my head. Day 2. So I just got my bike, and have been in moab for less than 24 hours and just got pulled over by moabs finest. ‘Boy I hope there's a death in the family or a serious medical problem for you to drive like that - you were going 45 in a 30!' phew I was relieved - I thought I ran someone over again or something.. So I am 50 ft from the hotel (really) and I am waiting for the crew to walk back from breakfast as I was there for like 20 minutes with the blue lights behind me (or gary with the video). So the redneck gives me the ticket and after making me roll up my sleeves ( I thought he was going to cuff me) and seeing no track marks ( I looked like a gangster rapper to him too) - he decides to waive the no seat belt.. Bad cop no donut.. Breakfast, I pour maple syrup into my coffee instead of my F toast, and proceed to impress Gary with my driving skills.... Reverse, drive and nuetral, houston we have a problem PMD follows suit.. So the forcast is for heavy snow and its blue sky and toasty, for about 10 minutes then blizzard like conditions - the concensus - f-it lets hit the slick rock and see what happens. PMD and many others dressed like polar bears we rode on wet slippery rock for about 20 minutes in the snow, Lost loyd and circling steff turn around, and it gets reall nice out. We all disrobe and ride on. Listen to me know believe me later - sunny and 70 degrees.. We are all sunburned and I am completely and utterly full of the smelly stuff.. It was maybe 45 though and we were loving it. Updraft arch - no-one fell, I almost did on the 5.3 climb in my spd's. Seniore p is looking ill - there are no trees to hide behind for relief and he's holding it in. Big steve kicking butt on drops, bryan in middle ring, ... Back to the westwoods for hot tubbing and bad conversation - talks of loyd re-using steve condoms due to his surgeon like packing skills. So gary asks big steve to look at our tv because the channels went out and he proceeded to bash it with his right hand for 2 minutes - it works now - (steve is the owner of snows electronics if you ever need his services, he can drop kick audio equipment too.. Keith called - message from the front desk said he is being detained in salt lake city. Rating - So your bubbling away in the hot tub, champagne wishes and caviar dreams.... Until 4 stretched out and crusty bloody used condoms float by.. Thats the good news, the bad news is #5 is probably stuck to your head. Top that off with some floating heroin seringes and you have our first day of riding.