Contribute To The Rag  - Your efforts make Bikerag the most complete and bizarre free ride specific trail review site on this planet..

1.  Send us any good, strange or bad mountain biking pictures you have.  We are sick of looking at Pics of each other.

2.  If there are any good mountain biking trails not listed on this site, but puke worthy, just send me a description, location, Bermuda - Bahamas....  East coast west coast - Ok anything in new England and we will eventually check it out (ride it, map it, review it).  Before I ride them, I list them on the HITLIST page so that people can comment...

3.  Show up for posted trail maintenance.  Just keep your eyes peeled under trail information in the forum.

4.  Submit whatever you want to bikerag - ideas, more bizarre bike fix's etc..  At some point we will probably use the info in some way.

5.  SPONSORS..  The new website layout with a side bar for sponsor should help to make bikerag less un-profitable - Gotta love those double negatives..  I only ask that if you are already going to buy something, online through one of our sponsors, that you just use the links on bikerag to get there..  Doesn't cost you a dime.. Proceeds help to keep bikerag free..

6.  If your always bored on the web, and you want to help out the rag - get our hyperlink on as many mountain bike related sites as you can..  Linking helps in many obvious ways plus increases ranking in search engines..

7.  Last but not least - continue to spread the word about bikerag.  Thanks to all that have.


Send me some good stuff!! - Contact Bikerag